Pfhorte2.0a13 is out and its a Marathon 2 map editor you can get it at   Alchemist 1.0b3 is out and it is a Marathon 2 Physics Model editor and you can get it at   Hex! is out and lets you edit terminals in Marathon 2 you can get it at   DOPE v1.2 is out and edits only Marathon 2 maps. It can only make items and bobs and aliens. You can get it at   Durandal Terminal Browser is out and lets you view terminals in Marathon 2. I don't know were it is if you want it I can email it to you.   M2 Film Handling Patcher is out and patches Marathon 2 so it can view every single player just bu pushing delete you can get it at   M2 Network Film Fixer is out and lets you change peoples color this is not a patch. You can download it at   Ignore Zero Divides is out and patches Marathon 2 so 68k computers can play PPC maps. You can get it at   snd Editor 2.0a3 is out and does some stuff to res edit. You can't find this anywere so if you want it I can email it to you.   is out and take Marathon 2 sound turns it into a new res edit file so you can edit the sounds. You can get it at   Map info is out and takes a map and makes a simple text file that tells you how many medias you got, how many items you got and lots more you can get it at ?no icon here is a cheater for Marathon 2 you can get it at